Time Passages…
Whether it’s the sweet sorrow of Labor Day, or the Doomsday clock of Global warming time’s swift passage is on our minds… to that, we share a tale of two cities contemplating time and opening us up to understanding how fleeting our experiences on this little planet may well be:
First up, in Utrecht, Netherlands, where a poem to the future is intended as a form of social sculpture, with a new verse laid down every Saturday. Intended to roll on to the 23rd century, this sort of walking meditation inspires thoughts of legacy and community.

Beauty and the Beast

Once upon a time, passport photos were a rich and varied canvas upon which global travelers shared stories of themselves. Today – well – not so much!! For those of you who have recently had such a photo taken – you are familiar with the grim gulag type admonishments of the sanctioned photo takers. Photographer Max Siednetopf, best known for large scale, tongue-in-cheek installations, has taken aim at this dispiriting practice, with an exhibit based on imagining what actually might be happening during some of these seemingly deadpan photo sessions. For those jaded road warriors among us, it’s time to crack a smile.


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